
Provides a function to batch together multiple calls in a single external call. Available since v4.1.


function multicall(bytes[] data) external virtual returns (bytes[] results)

Receives and executes a batch of function calls on this contract.


function multicallRead(bytes[] data) external view virtual returns (bytes[] results)

Readonly a batch of function calls on this contract.

Multicall Summarize

The Multicallsmart contract provides a function to batch together multiple calls in a single external call.

  • Multicall Function: The function multicall(bytes[] calldata data) receives and executes a batch of function calls on this contract. It takes an array of bytes as input, where each byte array represents a function call. The function then iterates over the input array and executes each function call using the Address.functionDelegateCall function. The results of each function call are stored in a new array and returned.

  • MulticallRead Function: The function multicallRead(bytes[] calldata data) is similar to the multicall function, but it only reads the results of the function calls without actually executing them. This function is useful for performing multiple read-only operations in a single call.

This contract is designed to be used as a base contract for the other Web3Task contract that need to batch multiple calls together. It provides a simple and efficient way to perform multiple operations in a single transaction, which can save on gas costs and improve the performance of the contract.

Last updated